Hello again. You may have noticed that the subject in this painting is not human, although I'm sure the subject in the painting would beg to differ. This is our cat, Nina. My wife owned her for a few years before we were wed so technically she is my step-cat. Nina has been very good, patient and gentle with our three year old daughter and by that of course I mean she tolerates her presence. She is a very good cat but I have to admit we didn't always see things "eye to eye." Once Nina and I had a very strong difference of opinion as to wether or not she should be allowed to go into the backyard one Saturday afternoon. She clawed my face nearly getting my "eye" and it required a surprise trip to the urgent care desk. Since then Nina and I have made up and let bygones be bygones. We get along just fine now. On that note I'll say to our beloved fat cat, "Nina, keep up the good work." to purchase contact me @ fergusonartist@yahoo.com