Saturday, June 26, 2010
1st Annual Business Meeting
"Soul De Cuba Cafe" Oil 10"x8"
This is a painting I've recently completed that is now available at the Elm City Artists Gallery 284 York St. New Haven CT. This is a restaurant that I drive by quite frequently and it was just screaming to be captured on the canvas. This is the Soul De Cuba Cafe in downtown New Haven. This corner reminds of places New York City. I'd actually been thinking about this scene for a couple of years now and I finally got around to painting it. Some artists will tell you that they have pondered scenes for months or even years before they finally get around to painting what they had in their minds. I have dozens of reference photos that have been sitting in my picture file for 7 or 8 years that I've yet to get to. I intend to use them eventually. And now for our 1st annual business meeting. As president and CEO of Ferguson Art Studios I have decided that it's time for some new energy and ideas to improve sales of my paintings. Last year, sales of my paintings were in the 10's of dollars. This year I'm hoping to make it into the teens. The following year, the 20's. In order for these goals to be achieved though, I realized I needed to make some adjustments. So, effective immediately, I will be stepping down as CEO of Ferguson ART Studios. Don't worry, I'll still be painting and blogging and exhibiting new artwork. But now, you might be wondering who will take over the business side of the multi-dollar empire that is Ferguson Art Studios? My moms little chihuahua Mouse. True, Mouse isn't the brightest star in the galaxy. Quite frankly, she has the I.Q. of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You would think this would be a fool hardy decision to have a little dog make the business decisions, but it's not. Mouse is actually more than qualified to take over the position I had. This will allow me to focus on creating new and better paintings. With her on the job, sales are sure to improve...............I hope. See you next time.

small painting
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