"Front Page News" 10" x 8" Oil

This is a small painting that I recently finished. I must apologize for the poor quality of the photo. In this painting I wanted to capture the bright intensity of the noon day sun during the summer time. Light tends to over power color and shadows which means washing out a lot color intensity with titanium white. And now for the front page news you were waiting for..........here it is. I am no longer showing at the Elm City Artists Gallery. I know this is quite a surprise. "Why would you leave ELM CITY ARTIST?" you ask. Mainly due to schedule issues. As a member of the gallery you need to sit in for a number of hours every week. Unfortunately it was very difficult for me personally to meet this requirement because of other obligations. Also my work wasn't selling as well as I had hoped. The folks at the gallery were incredibly kind, gracious and understanding of my circumstances. Although my work is no longer showing there, I would still highly recommend visiting the gallery to see the works of the wonderful artists showing there. I had a fantastic time working at the gallery and I'm truly grateful that they allowed me to be apart of it. I plan to show in other venues in the area in the coming months and starting next year I'll be sending samples of my work to galleries outside of CT. for representation as well. I'll keep you posted on that. Meanwhile, Mouse, my moms dog and recently appointed CEO of Ferguson Art Studios was none to pleased about my decision. In fact she was so upset that she lapsed into a poor grammar moment as everyone does at times when one is giving an impulsive response to shocking news. Here was her statement.

"YOU DID WHAT!??......Is you owch yo mind!!!!!??????"

"I mean........Chris, you are crazy for leaving ELM CITY ARTIST! Why didn't you consult me first?!"

"What am I supposed to tell the hundreds of people who regularly flock to New Haven from all along the Connecticut shoreline and New York City to buy up all your latest paintings?" To which I replied with a chuckle "What people?" Mouse forgot what studio she was working for. She realized she wasn't working for the studio of Wayne Thiebaud or Willem De kooning. I also reminded her that just last month I actually had to pay a wealthy relative to allow me to hang one of my paintings in the living room of a house that he owned in Cape cod that no one had lived in for 5 years. "Oh yes, that's right.......never mind." she replied and she went back into her office. Obviously, I'm making all that last part up. I learned a while back that as an artist, it's important not to take oneself to seriously. To be honest though, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't deeply disappointed by the fact that none of my paintings had sold for the entire three months that I was there. That's always a very difficult situation for an artist face. It makes no difference if your just starting out or you've been exhibiting for years. Although I'm disappointed I'm not discouraged. This just means I need to refocus on goals that I've set for my artistic endeavors all of which will be posted along with my most recent paintings on this here blog. Stay tuned.