"It's a dog first, me eat me world..........no wait..........that's not right.........well, you know what I mean. Anyways if you've read my blogs recently, you'll know that this past summer was filled with some joys as well as some setbacks. Getting into a wonderful gallery and then not being able to stay there because of other obligations was pretty disappointing. But this event wasn't nearly as upsetting as the lose of our beloved dog Jerry. I completed this portrait of her a couple of months after she died. Jerry was the sweetest dog that ever lived. A few things that I fondly remember about her - the way she would make a stinky in the grass and then, after using her hind legs to cover it over, she would take off running in a burst of happiness. I remember the way she would walk around with her squeak toy in her mouth. Another thing about her was all the nicknames we gave her during her 12 years of life, if your a pet owner you probably understand what that's all about. These are names that wouldn't make sense to anyone else to but the owners. So whats next in the adventures of the New Haven artist? Well this fall I plan to host an open studio tour, where I'll invite people into my workspace so they can get a behind the scenes look at how I create my paintings. Also I have a solo show at the Yale Medical School in January or February 2011. I also plan to shop around for a new gallery along the CT. shoreline and also out of state. In the meantime there will be new episodes of the New Haven Artist coming with new paintings and more boring stories. Stay tuned.