"Old Wood" Oil on canvas

I'm back from a brief blogging hiatus. Last time we spoke I had announced that I was hosting a big open studio event. So you now may be wondering how it all went. Well........I didn't have the big turn out that I was hoping for but I'm very grateful to those who were able to attend. Out of 70 people I invited 4 showed up. Apart from the 4 visitors I had that afternoon, the studio was silent.............................Oh, wait there was one noise I heard, the sound of a lone cricket chirping in the distance. But I know it was busy weekend for many people and it was the first time I tried anything like that before so rather than be discouraged I tried to focus on the positive and use some of the lessons I've learned for the next time I host an open studio event. The first lesson that I learned from this adventure is that cheese and crackers can actually prove to be a very satisfying dinner...........two days in row.( next time I won't buy so much) The second lesson is to invite people individually rather than all at once. Meanwhile, my moms chihuahua, Mousie, the recently appointed CEO of Ferguson Art Studios was hard at work in her office having a Skype video conference with our frame supplier in South Carolina, Mr. Rufus Jenkins III, the president of Rufus Jenkins Fine Art Framers, Appraisers, and Barbecue Rib Supply Warehouse (a subsidiary of Christies Auctions). It appears that were some discrepancies in the billing and payment dept at our Studios that needed to be resolved. The discussions got a little heated and needless to say Mousie yet again lapsed into a poor grammar moment. 
"You know what Rufus.......I'm about hang up on you........................"