Hello everybody, how are you? As you may have noticed, I've been absent from the blogging scene for a few weeks. No, I haven't fallen off of the face of the Earth as some may have thought (or possibly even hoped) and yes I've still been painting.......quite a bit actually. Part of my blogging delay was due to life and all that it involves. And what were some of the highlights of the past few weeks? Well, my daughter started Kindergarten ( at 35, my hair is now completely grey behind the stressful first couple of weeks my child has so far spent as a kindergartner, but, she's doing much better at her new school now.) And we had, for about 2 months a Miniature Doberman Pinscher ( The hair on my head that had gone completely grey from the stressful first couple of weeks my daughter had in her new school had completely fallen out behind the stress that cute little doggy had put us through.) Don't worry, the dog is doing just fine and will be enjoying a new home. We fostered him.
And now for the really big news. I have a Solo art show that will be running from now until the end of December at CAFE GEORGE BY PAULA on 300 George St. in New Haven. In case you where wondering where it is located allow me to give very detailed instructions.
In the vast expanse of the known universe there are millions of galaxy clusters.

Amidst one of those galaxy clusters..................

..........you will find the Milky Way Galaxy. Don't get too excited the Milky way Galaxy isn't nearly as tasty as it sounds. (It's not made up of milk chocolate , creamy caramel and vanilla ice cream as the name seems to imply. Rather it is made up of about 200 to 400 billion stars and has vast clouds of gases and dust called nebulae as well as something called interstellar medium. Yes, I was disappointed discover that fact too)............

........on the outer rim of the Milky Way Galaxy you'll find our solar system................

.....head to the the third planet from the sun................

.....there you will find planet earth......................

.........go directly to the continent if North America and head toward the northeastern corner of the United States................

....and there you will find the state of Connecticut......go to the central coastline of the state.........

......and you will land in New Haven..............................

....try to land on the New Haven Green if you can, it's easier to get your bearings from here......

........once you've landed, walk down College St. until you get George St...............

.......Keep going.........Do you see that building right there?..............

........that's 300 George st. When you step you inside those doors you'll see signs that will point you to........

........CAFE GEORGE BY PAULA......

Spread the word around if you can I can use all the help I can get. Tell your moms, tell your dads, tell your kids, tell your grandparents, tell your co-workers, tell your pets, tell everybody.
CAFE GEORGE BY PAULA is located at 300 George St. New Haven, CT.
the cafe is open 7:00 am to 3:00 pm Mon. thru Fri. it's not open on weekends.
There will also be an artist reception in a few weeks I'll keep you posted as to when that will be. I'll see in my next entry.
And now for the really big news. I have a Solo art show that will be running from now until the end of December at CAFE GEORGE BY PAULA on 300 George St. in New Haven. In case you where wondering where it is located allow me to give very detailed instructions.
In the vast expanse of the known universe there are millions of galaxy clusters.

Amidst one of those galaxy clusters..................

..........you will find the Milky Way Galaxy. Don't get too excited the Milky way Galaxy isn't nearly as tasty as it sounds. (It's not made up of milk chocolate , creamy caramel and vanilla ice cream as the name seems to imply. Rather it is made up of about 200 to 400 billion stars and has vast clouds of gases and dust called nebulae as well as something called interstellar medium. Yes, I was disappointed discover that fact too)............

........on the outer rim of the Milky Way Galaxy you'll find our solar system................

.....head to the the third planet from the sun................

.....there you will find planet earth......................

.........go directly to the continent if North America and head toward the northeastern corner of the United States................

....and there you will find the state of Connecticut......go to the central coastline of the state.........

......and you will land in New Haven..............................
....try to land on the New Haven Green if you can, it's easier to get your bearings from here......
........once you've landed, walk down College St. until you get George St...............
.......Keep going.........Do you see that building right there?..............
........that's 300 George st. When you step you inside those doors you'll see signs that will point you to........
........CAFE GEORGE BY PAULA......
Spread the word around if you can I can use all the help I can get. Tell your moms, tell your dads, tell your kids, tell your grandparents, tell your co-workers, tell your pets, tell everybody.
CAFE GEORGE BY PAULA is located at 300 George St. New Haven, CT.
the cafe is open 7:00 am to 3:00 pm Mon. thru Fri. it's not open on weekends.
There will also be an artist reception in a few weeks I'll keep you posted as to when that will be. I'll see in my next entry.